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جافا سكريبت غير ممكن! ... الرجاء تفعيل الجافا سكريبت في متصفحك.


جامعة الشرق الادنى ستبدأ بعلاج البلازما لمصابي كورونا

مستشفى جامعة الشرق الادنى سوف يكون على استعداد لاستقبال وعلاج مرضى كورونا .. بطريقة البلازما المصادق عليها من منظمة الصحة العالمية ..

Near East University Hospital is ready for Covid-19 Treatment with the Immune Plasma Method.

Near East University Hospital is ready for the treatment with the immune plasma method against COVID-19, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Near East University Hospital, which started a study with the consultation of the Ministry of Health on supply and use of immune plasma in the treatment of the patients with COVID-19, will use the plasma taken from the blood of patients who have got infected and recovered with the new type of coronavirus and whose test results are negative.